Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: Eric Dane Video

How is it that so many celebrity types tape themselves with those tapes somehow finding their way to the Internet?

The latest leak is a low-quality home video shot by and at Grey's Anatomy's Eric Dane. He's the guy called McSteamy. In this video I think he should be called McStupid.

The video starts with Eric Dane saying "Hi girls," to the girls in the picture. To which the girls say "Hi boy." That is the highlight of the video's dialogue. Much of the video is taken up with Eric Dane making up porn star names for himself. He decides on "Cocaine Manor."

Eric Dane wears no clothes in this video. There is no interpersonal action between Dane and the two women, besides talking. One of the women is his wife, Rebecca Gayheart. They all seem to be slightly intoxicated.

The infamous Paris Hilton video, A Night in Paris, remains my favorite of this genre. All the others I've seen have made me think that without a script actors sound stupid. The best example of that is the Colin Farrell sex tape. There is interpersonal action in that one, besides Farrell's insipid verbiage. There is also interpersonal action in the infamous Rob Lowe video, in which he acts with a woman named Jennifer and a guy who's name I can not remember. Rob Lowe gave quite an impressive performance. He didn't sound too stupid when he talked.

I read that it was troubled country music singer, Mindy Mc Cready, who got her hands on the Eric Dane video and leaked it. Why and how, I have not read.

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