Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Brother 11: Chima Removed From House By Show's Producers

After Mike "Boogie" Malin won Big Brother All-Stars I bailed on being a fan of this show. There had been previous seasons where I had trouble getting hooked. The last edition of Big Brother that had me hooked real good was the Nerd Herd/Janelle/Kaysar edition of Big Brother. Loved the Nerd Herd getting their comeuppance over and over again.

In July I did record 3 hours of Showtime's Big Brother After Dark. It was so boring I stop fast forwarding fairly quickly.

This morning I read that, for what I think is the first time, someone named Chima has been removed from the Big Brother House for violating the rules.

There have been people removed a time or two for turning violent and threatening a house guest. But, I don't think that is what happened in this case.

What is known is that Chima ended up very upset on the Thursday eviction show when someone named Jeff used his power of coup d'etat to overthrow Chima's eviction nominations. Nervous that Chima would make good on her threats to disrupt the live Thursday show, if her Head of Household powers were taken away, CBS went through the unusual precaution of pre-taping the episode.

Two days later, early Saturday, Chima refused to put on her microphone. Then she threw it into the hot tub. This was seen by those who watch the live Internet feed. Big Brother told Chima she would be billed for the microphone, which caused a torrent of cursing directed at the producers.

CBS is milking the "Chima Incident" saying "Tune in Tuesday night as one house guest self destructs and is removed from the game!"

Maybe I'll remember to watch on Tuesday. I watched Big Brother when it was not a hit. It is now a Top 20 show.

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