Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Paris Hilton's My New BFF In America, The UK & Dubai

I long ago admitted I find Paris Hilton and her search for a new best friend forever show, on MTV, to be very amusing.

I think some of the amusement may not be intended. Like a recent episode had Paris testing her BFF Wannabes to see if they'd tell her the truth. So, Paris arrived in an outfit that looked goofy. If she looks goofy, Paris wants her BFF to let her know.

Well, at the time, no one spoke up. But why would they? Prior to this test they'd been tested on how well they would survive being locked up behind bars, like Paris has found herself a time or two. So, Paris put her inmates through the rigors of prison life, having them perform little tests, like seeing how fast they can run in high heels while carrying luggage through an obstacle course, to replicate one of Paris' fast airport runs to catch a plane, while in heels.

While Paris was being the Prison Matron she was garbed in the manner you see in the picture. So, this is how she appears in front of her BFF Wannabes and then a day or two later she's dressed like a Boca Raton Retiree in Florida and expects someone to say something?

During the testing of their fashion sense the wannabes had to carry around Baby Paris dolls, who told them what to do, with Paris off somewhere else, barking the orders into a microphone. That was amusing. At one point Paris instigated a prank that escalated into a fight, with all the girls and Stephan, the gay guy, ganging up on David, the straight guy, who didn't want to play with dolls or wear high heels.

In an episode prior, Paris' little doggie, Tinkerbell, played a big role. One of the BFF's gets sent home after being put up for Discussion, where Paris discusses with them, their, well, BFF shortcomings, during that particular episode. Paris had Tinkerbelle decide who should be sent home. First Tinkerbelle examined David, David kissed her, all was fine. Next was Caitlin, Tinkerbelle like her. Next was the other, supposed straight guy, who had entered the show along with David, this episode. Well, Tinkerbelle took one look at that guy and tried to bite him. So, he got sent home.

I really think one of the networks should pick up Paris Hilton's My New BFF franchise. It's more entertaining than a lot of the stuff on network primetime, like ABC's Superstars which I watched last night. Maksim Chermokovsky has shown he is way more than light on his feet. Last night the Dancing with the Stars star ran like a bat out of hell, winning a long foot race.

I did not know that Paris had taken her New BFF search to other countries. She searched the UK for a New BFF. And found one. Currently Paris is searching in Dubai for a New BFF. That should prove interesting.

I suspect Paris will not be wearing her skimpy Prison Matron garb while she is searching for hew New BFF in Dubai. I am sure much hilarity will ensue. Will there be a token Arab gay guy, that is a staple of Paris' search? I believe the token gay guy became the New BFF in the UK search.

How many BFF's does Paris need? One in each country? This search could go on for a long time.

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