Monday, July 20, 2009

ABC's The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All & Reid Is Back For The Finale

Reid did not show up at the Men Tell All episode of The Bachelorette tonight. That seemed suspicious. And seemed to reinforce the rumors that Reid comes back in the finale after some new revelation about either Kiptyn or Ed or both sends Jillian reeling, leading to the most shocking, earth shattering, stunning, amazing, jaw-dropping, television ground-breaking finale episode of this series since the last one.

The Men Tell All episode tonight was highly amusing. There was a lot of fighting among the boys. David, he being the one with anger management issues, who made such an ass of himself, with Jillian, on a boat in Vancouver, that she dumped him. Even after David saw the footage, he still didn't get it. Even when the other boys told him how appalled they were, he still didn't get it. Even after the audience ganged up on him, he still didn't get it. But when host, Chris Harrison explained it to David, he finally seemed to get it, sort of, and said he would apologize to Jillian if, indeed, it did make her uncomfortable when he groped her and told her over and over again what a great ass she had.

When Jillian came out she confirmed, to previously doubting David, that his loutish behavior did make her uncomfortable. Then Jillian turned her attention to the guy in the house whom David had abused, that being Juan. Jillian apologized to Juan for what he had to put up with and praised him for handling it like a gentlemen, which we all saw, along with Jillian. Of course, loutish David, sat there hearing this, clueless and mugging like he was incredulous.

Wes, the guitar playing singer, with a #1 hit in Chihuahua, Mexico was thoroughly roasted, deservedly so, for being such a slimy tool.

Jake, the guy who returned to warn Jillian about Wes, got a lot of airtime. I agree with the guy who made fun of him for doing a full blown Mesnick. And the other guy who said it was ridiculous to act so smitten after so little time. Personally I think Jake may have some serious issues. What they may be, I don't know.

By the end of the 2 hours we got to a wrap up, showing a distillation of Jillian's romances with Ed and Kiptyn, all looking like everything was hunky dory. Til we got to the previews of next week's finale. Still looking like all was hunky dory, til the last 30 seconds, or so, when we learn that Jillian gets told some shocking information that changes everything, with Jillian lamenting that she doesn't know how much more she can take.

And then we cut to a hand holding a ring. Wedding ring? Then the camera slowly pans up. It is Reid holding the ring. What drama. I know I'll be watching.

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