Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Bachelorette: Ed Gone ED In The Previews

My TV viewing has really dwindled. I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! wore out its welcome, not that it really was all that welcome. I don't even understand that show. Only 2 people have been kicked out, in addition to the 2 who walked off, leaving at least 9 of the so-called celebrities still in the Costa Rican jungle. And somehow, supposedly, that show ends next Monday. I don't get it. Maybe I was not paying close enough attention.

As for ABC's The Bachelorettte, it sort of has also worn out its welcome. I found Girl Friend Gate to be amusing. But I am really tired of hearing the phrase "here for the right reason." The right reason seems real clear to me. Which is to have fun being on a TV show, doing fun stuff and pretending that you're smitten with someone you've just barely met.

I got around to fast forwarding through Monday's episode during lunch. The Canadian mountain scenery was nice to see. It made me homesick, even though home was on the American side of the border, it still was the same type scenery.

The bachelor named Ed being given an ultimatum by his boss to either get back to work or be fired was a different twist. One would have thought real clear arrangements would have been made prior to flying to Hollywood to find a wife. Jillian wanted Ed to stay, she gave him a rose, he left anyway.

Ed leaving totally tore Jillian up, it was a major emotional upset. Which seemed odd to me. She seems to be quite friendly with almost all of the boys. So much kissing. I'm not a fan of the serial kissing.

Ed leaving and the previews of coming attractions were the highlights of this episode. I don't understand why, but in the previews, even though something like 8 guys are left, we fast forwarded to the part in this bizarre show where the hunter invites 3 of her prey back to her lair for a night in the Fantasy Suite. Now, there has always been a lot of speculation as to what really goes on in those Fantasy Suites.

It may be complete misdirection and tricky editing, but the previews made it appear that the guy named Reid made it into the Fantasy Suite, but the pressure got to him, with an attack of ED, which left Jillian very frustrated, because she was so looking forward to getting to know Reid in the Biblical sense.

I know I'm gonna be watching to see if they are really going to go there on this totally bizarre, yet, at times, disturbingly entertaining TV train wreck. It also appeared that Wes, the slimeball singer from Austin, with all the girlfriends waiting for him back home, also gets to perform in a Fantasy Suite. By perform, I am sure I mean strum his guitar.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the previews did show someone with most of their clothes off, on a bed, on top of Jillian, with words uttered that seemed to mean there had been a malfunction and Jillian definitely seemed upset by this. I too, well be surprised if they are really going there!
