Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Survivor Tocantins: J.T. Wins

I was pleasantly surprised to find myself pleasantly entertained by the Survivor Finale, when I got around to watching it.

The final immunity challenge seemed a tad lame. Drop a ball and you're out. J.T. won. That had Errin scrambling. With J.T. reassuring Stephen over and over again that he was going to be true to his word. What's strange about that is, if they had such a strong pact, as soon as Errin dropped the ball, why did the boy's keep competing? They'd promised to take each other to the end after all.

The part where the jury gets to grill the final Survivors was more amusing than most. Usually one or two of the jurors gets sort of mean and nasty. This time that didn't happen. Instead something more entertaining happened. J.T. and Stephen started bickering, sort of like an old married couple. And then when Stephen, under Debbi's prosecutorial inquisition admitted that had he one immunity he would have taken Errin to the finals with him, of course, J.T. was horrible hurt by this. Or so he acted.

Finally the finale vote and we are off to New York City where we learn the women clean up real well, but the guys, except for coach, all looked not so good all cleaned up. Errin went from a frump to a knockout. And Debbi! The wonders of having your hair clean and makeup. Sierra was always cute to me. And Taj. She was a cutie on the show and way more so off. Of the guy's Coach went from being Coach the Nutjob to looking and acting like respectable Ben Wade.

When J.T. won every vote the celebrating began. J.T. was in tears. That was sorta charming.

He and Stephen are still good friends.

I thought the Coach would further embarrass himself. Instead he was good-natured and funny about it all. I like having my opinion switched on me. The guy went from having us think he had no friends to having a girl friend whom Probst got to admit regularly slays the dragonslayer.

Probst had offered Coach a lie detector test so that his integrity could be scientifically vouched for. Coach had declined that offer, then went and got his own lie detector test done, which he presented to Probst in a sealed envelople. Surprise. The test "proved" Coach had not lied. Supposedly.

Speaking of Jeff Probst. From the start of the reunion show he seemed to be on fire. I've not seen him so animated before and so energetically having himself a real good time. That man loves his job. And why would he not?

For Survivor 19 we are back to the South Pacific, for Survivor: Samoa. I'll probably be watching.

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