Friday, April 10, 2009

Survivor Tocantins: Joe Goes

I'm enjoying this latest iteration of Survivor. Last night had me all atwitter with concern that Brendan was going to be hit with a Marcus-like blindside. What with Taj going all wobbly about their Exile Island Alliance. And Stephan and JT being a bit weaselly. And Tyson and the psycho "Coach" being all mastermind mode.

The amusing Tyson and the demented, deluded self-appointed "Coach," seemed to have put together a good scheme to get rid of Brendan.

And then Tyson won the first individual Immunity, which seemed to seal the deal. Until Probst saw that Joe had a big owie on his knee and had him stay after the challenge was over so that a doctor could check it out.

The doctor soon determined that unless Joe got medical attention he could lose his leg or his life. So, a helicopter evacuation ended up not seeming like such a bad plan, all things considered, to Joe.

So, as the rest of his tribemates huddled in the rain, plotting and scheming and feeling nervous, Probst showed up, soaking wet, to deliver the news that Joe was out of it, that there'd be no Tribal Council.

And so now Brendan has a couple more days to get Taj, Stephen and Sierra all on the same page and figure out a way to blindside that idiotic obnoxious orchestra-leading (supposedly) "Coach." I hope that's what happens. Just to hear what the self-anointed "Dragon Slayer" has to say when he gets his dumbass booted.

That idiot is on a reality show. Why does he go on and on about being a warrior? And someone else being a warrior. And all the warriors getting rid of all the non-warriors and then battling it out mano-mano. He seems to think it's D-Day and he's getting ready to storm the Normandy Beaches.

The people who cast these type shows must dance a happy gig when they come across nutjobs like "Coach" and characters like Tyson.

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