Friday, April 24, 2009

Survivor 18: Tocantins---Tyson Get His Blindside Comeuppance

After last week's Survivor I was ready to bail. This was not the first time Survivor had so annoyed me that I'd reached that point. And then I give it one more chance and it redeems itself.

I was ready to bail last week because we were shown no reason why Taj turned on Brendan, voting to boot him from the tribe. We saw no reason why Taj turned her back on her Exile Island Alliance.

And, it was not fun to watch because Stephen and J.T. and Taj seemed to be under the control of the loathsome Coach, instead of seeing that they should boot out Coach, removing that idiot from our TV screens.

The previews and ads for last night's Survivor planted the idea that Sierra would save herself by winning the Immunity Challenge. She almost did win it. But one who has left zero impression on me, is the name Debby? The school principal, she won.

The oddest part of that Immunity Challenge was Coach "The Warrior" decided to not fight that battle, because if he felt safe, and sat out, he could eat pizza. He looked so incredibly stupid sitting there eating pizza and looking detached. Yeah, warriors eat pizza rather than participate in a challenge.

And poor, evermore rat-like looking, Stephen, once more sent to Exile Island, comes back for the Immunity Challenge, already miserable, decides along with Coach and J.T. to opt out and eat pizza, sat there under a blanket in the rain shivering violently. Worst case of the shivers I've seen in 18 seasons of Survivor.

After the Immunity Challenge we see Sierra pathetically pleading to stay. It really did not make a lot of sense. Coach was all condescending. Tyson, even more so.

And then, unlike last week, a lightbulb turns on in Taj's head. What if we get rid of Tyson? This may be our only chance. Erinn, J.T. and Stephen were quickly on board. No need to tell Sierra. Of course, J.T. was conflicted, due to his relationship with the Coach, based on their mutual trustworthiness and golden characters.

And then we get to the Tribal Council. Sierra was quite good at defending herself. Tyson acted like an ass. Probst asked some probing Probst-type questions and then he turned on Coach and tried to nail the idiot on his hypocritical contradictions. Going on and on about wanting it to be a fight between warriors. Then why did you boot Brendan, Probst asked? To which Coach spouted more of his moronic nonsense. With a big feather stuck in his greasy hair.

One of the funnier moments was Taj crossing her eyes at one of times Coach spouted his Warrior idiocy.

And then the payoff. Sierra sure she's going home. A couple votes for Sierra, then one for Tyson. Then another. Then another for Sierra. Coach and Tyson back looking smug. Then another vote for Tyson. Oh oh, this wasn't the plan. Sierra now had 3 votes, Tyson 4. Either another Sierra vote ties it, or Tyson gets the boot.

The look on Tyson and Coach's faces made this a double-blindside. And the look on Sierra's face was also reality TV gold. Brendan laughing and clapping was also good.

In the previews it appears that now the tables are turned and Coach is begging for Sierra's help. The ebb and flow of fortunes is what I like about Survivor. When it makes sense.

In his final words Tyson said that now he knew how Brendan felt. And that he was bummed that Sierra lasted longer than him. I think it's called poetic justice and a real good comeuppance.

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