Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Real Housewives of New York City: Blogs

I have not yet watched last night's (Tuesday) new episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Last week's episode is still fresh in my memory, what with the bizarre Kelly the Creep Creature's asinine temper tantrum directed at funny, likable Bethenny.

If you are a fan of this show and the various women on in, well, they all have blogs, including Simon. Simon and Alex come off way less creepy in blog form than they do on the show. I think some of them must have ghost blog writers. Like Ramona. The woman is prone to verbal malapropisms, yet can write well? I don't think so.

Below is part of Bethenny's blogging regarding the episode where the creature she calls Kellamity turned all kooky bananas. Go here to read all the various blogs, and be sure to read Kelly/Kellamity's. That warped woman somehow managed to be just as convoluted and twisted in written form as what we've seen on the show.

Excerpt from Bethenny's Blog....

Nothing Kelly says or does surprises me, because the poor girl isn't playing with a full deck. She didn't get the memo that she's in her 40s and behaves like a teenager whose words need subtitles on the show. She wrote about being in a shark tank last summer, but I'm not sure she knew what that felt like until the Sicilian sit-down.

Kelly came onto the show thinking anyone actually gave a crap about her self-anointed fabulosity. Truthfully, none of us care about her superficial lifestyle, so I think my calling her out is something that caught her off guard. Truthfully, she never had anything against me. I had something against her. She is a complete phony and now she has been exposed and her small circle of New York supporters have now turned on her as well. The emperor has no clothes.

Kelly's "journalistic" vocabulary consists of 2 words: foil and inappropriate. Maybe next week she'll find some new words. I found it amusing that she told me I needed a "time out" and some parenting. I've gone 38 years with no parents, and if I decide to adopt some, Kelly isn't on the candidate list. Jill and Bobby could be my adopted parents. Hell, I'll adopt Silex before the Kellamity.

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