Monday, April 20, 2009

The Amazing Race 14: Too Much Bitching In China

Kisha & Jen got their first first place of the race, beating Victor & Tammy, who came in 2nd, and Luke & Margie, in a foot race to the Pitstop.

This week the racers raced from Bangkok, Thailand to Guangzhou, China and then on to Guilin.

Tammy & Victor had a big advantage this leg. They'd visited China previously, they are Chinese-Americans and they speak Chinese.

At the Pitstop Phil noted that the race seemed a tad tense. This caused Luke & Margie and Jen & Kisha to erupt like little kid's tattling to daddy about how mean everyone was to them.

There had been some elbowing between Luke and Jen at 2 different clue boxes which had Jen calling Luke a little bitch. This seemed appropriate to me, because Luke was being a bit of a little bitch.

Margie told Luke, well, signed him, telling him that Jen had called him a bitch. Luke looked shocked and said, I mean, signed, "Calling a deaf guy a bitch is not nice."

So, with those little moments of unpleasantness behind them, when Luke & Margie and Jen & Kisha stepped on the Pitstop mat Phil made mention of things seeming a tad tense, which caused the eruption of tattling. Luke got mad and stormed off. Then Luke came back to the mat, wanting to tell, via signing, his side of the story. Kisha started giggling which made Margie madder, shouting, “He’s signing and they’re laughing at him! He’s lived with this his whole life and he doesn’t need it from people like you. You should understand oppression because you’re black and you’ve lived with it.”

Luke signed, “My whole life, hearing people put deaf people down.” I thought he'd been deaf his whole life?

Kisha tried to apologize, but Margie wasn't accepting it. All in all, this ended up being the most interesting Pitstop I can remember.

The other interesting part of this episode, other than being in always interesting China, was a Roadblock where a cormorant bird had to be trained to dive and return 10 fish. Tammy's bird was uncooperative, at one point flying away. Luke's bird bit him, drawing blood and causing Luke to yelp in pain and causing the victims of Luke's elbow attacks to say, "I really believe in karma."

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