Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ABC's The Bachelor: Jason Mesnick's Bad Rose Boy Behavior

I couldn't bear to watch something like The Bachelor without benefit of being able to record it and use the fast forward button a lot.

So, last night I let the recorder get about 20 minutes recorded, then I started watching 2 hours of 24, greatly shortened from 2 hours due to that fast forward button eliminating commercials.

After being over-stimulated by 24, I started to watch The Bachelor. I reduced the 2 hour "Finale" to about 10 minutes. I saw Jason Mesnick give the boot to the girl named Molly, while he got on his knees to propose to my Dallas neighbor, Melissa, who gleefully accepted his proposal.

Then that little kid, Ty, came out and all three ended up in the pool. What a happy ending.

And then the recording moved into the 3rd hour, this one called something like After the Final Rose Ceremony. Well, my recording stopped 5 minutes into that. The DVR did not recognize it as a series it was supposed to auto-record.

So, I quickly switched to live TV. I'd seen the first 5 minutes, with Mesnick seeming a bit on edge and upset. I lost maybe 15 minutes. By the time I was back live, Melissa was clearly not happy and Jason was looking uncomfortable. It quickly became clear he had dumped her. I don't know if that moment gave satisfaction, or not, to those who love it when their reality tv crushes someone's hopes and dreams.

Soon, Melissa was shooed away, but not before she whispered to Jason that she did not want to ever see or hear from him again, no phone calls, no texting.

Now, full disclosure. I have not liked this Jason person from way before it became fashionable to not like him. Something just seemed real off to me, overly needy, way too much PDA (public displays of affection), to me he seemed like a really bad actor putting on a real bad act. Looking at various TV Forums, this morning, it would seem the majority agree.

I found it totally bizarre that Jason would go from dumping that nice Melissa from Dallas girl, in a much more harsh way than he was dumped, with him crushed by that awful DeAnna Pappas, who did finally show up, in the longest segment, of the 2 hours previous, that I actually watched, to basically beg Jason to marry her. He declined. So, he's not totally stupid, I guess. It was all so staged.

Wait a minute, what was I saying, oh yeah, Jason went from dumping Melissa, leaving her hurt and bewildered (though surely none of this came as a shock to her), to within a few minutes he's busy smooching Molly in front of that annoyingly overly earnest Chris Harrison host person and all us TV viewers. The PDA in front of those immediately in your vicinity is one thing, but PDA in front of millions of TV voyeurs, minutes after you crushed the hopes and dreams of a sweet young Texas girl, is just 5 stages beyond tacky.

So, near as I can tell Jason Mesnick has already put himself into the Reality Show Hall of Infamy for Bad Behavior. What can ABC possibly be coming up with tonight to have a second After the Final Rose show? Is it my original prediction, slightly changed? As in after Jason dumped Melissa, to re-woo Molly, he finds out that he knocked Melissa up, so tonight's big bombshell is Jason has now dumped Molly and is going to marry the mother of Ty's new little baby brother or sister?

Or are they actually going to milk an hour of showing Mesnick propose to Molly and a bunch of sappy happy ever after stuff? Once more I won't be taking my finger off the fast forward button.

1 comment:

  1. After that stunt on the Bachelor finale, i'm surprised Jason ended up with anybody
