Friday, February 13, 2009

Survivor 18: Tocantins---The Brazilian Highlands First Episode

Usually it takes me a few episodes before I get hooked on a new Survivor. Last night's first episode pretty much hooked me from the start.

Usually it takes a few episodes before there is any sort of plot line where I can make any sense out of who or why a boot from the tribe might happen.

Last night started with a long truck ride to the Brazilian Highlands, which seems to be a different type of scenic zone than we have seen on Survivor before. It reminded me of Monument Valley in Utah, but with greenery and rivers.

The Tocantins must be near the equator, what with the temperature above 120. I have been above 120 before, in non-humid Death Valley. I can not imagine being above 120 in a humid zone. Did I hear Probst right? That they are above 9000 feet elevation? How can that be. They'd all be so out of breath.

Before the twist, I did not like the bit where each tribe made an instant judgment and voted to boot one of their people right then and there, where the truck ride ended. One tribe booted "Old Lady" Sandy. The other booted, "Sick and on Anti-biotics" Sierra. Only they weren't really booted. Instead they got to take a copter ride to their new camp, while the others trekked carrying heavy loads.

Sandy got to her camp to discover she could find a hidden immunity idol. Or build a camp. She chose to hunt for immunity. While Sierra seemed to make the wise choice and built a shelter. Sierra's tribe had a rough time finding camp, arriving after dark, grateful to find shelter. Sandy's tribe arrived in daylight and wondered what the hell she'd done all day.

Sandy was inept looking for the idol. Somehow this well-seasoned, self-described "Crazy Lady" had no idea what go "15 paces" means. She just kept randomly digging to no avail.

It was a foregone conclusion that she would get the boot. But then she did real good at the Immunity Challenge, which raised some doubts as to the wisdom of booting her. They lost the challenge and then one named Carolina quickly revealed her annoying nature which led some to think that it might behoove them to get rid of her now, before she really gets on their nerves.

Apparently Carolina was even more annoying than what we saw, because she pretty much unanimously got the boot, for the first blindside of the season.

There are some interesting characters in addition to Sandy. There is Benjamin, a bit full of himself, who seems like he has the potential to annoy. Young, longtime fan, Spencer, who seems destined to fail. I like Sierra. I also like JT, the rancher. There is a self-described free-spirited Mormon named Tyson who, in what I think is a Survivor first, went sans clothing in the first episode, to the amusement of Sierra and others. Usually it's a ways in before skinny dipping occurs.

At those temperatures I don't know why they don't go naked and in the water all day long. I think that's what I'd do. Of course, without a doubt, I'd be the first booted out of my tribe, both for being lazy, spending all day naked in the water, and being overall annoying, and being totally inept at those confusing challenges.

Next week looks fun. Some sort of brutal basketball game in a drenching downpour.

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