Thursday, February 12, 2009

Joanna Pacitti Booted Off Final 36 On American Idol

Last night loyal viewers saw nervous, frequently messed up, Joanna Pacitti, somehow get picked by the Gang of Four to be one of the 36 American Idol finalists.

But today Joanna Pacitti became the first of the 36 to get to boot. With no explanation as to why she got the boot, FOX issued a press release saying, "It has been determined that Joanna Pacitti is ineligible to continue in the competition."

The Internet Rumor Machine speculates the booting has something to do with Pacitti's former record deal with A & M Records, plus she has been rumored to be inappropriately chummy with executives of 19 Entertainment, 19 being American Idol's producing company.

I feel sorry for Ms. Pacitti. She seemed nice. She cried an awful lot. She will be replaced by Felicia Barton. I have no memory of Felicia Barton. I don't know if she cries a lot.

Speaking of crying a lot. In one of the most bizarre things I've seen on American Idol, the crybaby known as Nathaniel "Boo Hoo" Marshall somehow was picked to be one of the top 36. Huh? The Gang of Four claimed to be torn between "Boo Hoo" and a guy we had not seen much of, Jackie Midkiff. Kara said Jackie was so good it wasn't fair to put him in such a position. That position being made to sing once more. Against Nathaniel "Boo Hoo" Marshall.

For some inexplicable reason the Gang of Four picked Nathaniel to continue. Again. Huh? This time we saw some of his sad back story and his bizarre audition in NY, that had not been previously shown. He seems less freaky now than then. His sad story is he gets shoved off on various relatives, like his rather large grandma, because his mullet haired mom is in prison for being a druggie. Can anyone say "fetal alchohol syndrome?"

Jackie Midkiff seemed to sing fine, to my tone deaf ears. Earlier in Hollywood Week we saw Simon heap high praise on the boy, saying he was commercial and the audience would love him. Apparently not as much as the pear-shaped, flamboyantly weird, pierced, tattooed, extremely annoying Marshall boy.

Earlier we'd seen Amy Winehouse wannabe, Frankie Jordan, get the boot. Simon thought it was comforting to tell her she had no chance of winning anyway. So, does putting him in the top 36 mean the mean Brit thinks Nathaniel the Crybaby has a chance? Again. Huh?

Widower, Danny Gokey, got picked. His BFF, Jamar Rogers, did not, to the shock of the rest of the contestants. I found Rogers' odd piercing that he'd added to his mouth that looked like a metal toothpick, reason enough to give him the boot.

I was pretty much surprised that the Gang of Four did not give Tatiana Del Toro the boot. When she appeared before them, as they sat on their thrones, Tatiana went into her patented weirdo, drama queen mode, til Simon pretty much shut her down. I didn't mind her making it to the top 36 like I did "Boo Hoo" boy. She should make for some funny live television.

I also did not mind Nick Mitchell, alias, Norman Gentle, making it. He sat before the G of F totally in Nick mode, no element of goofy Norman. He seemed real, well, normal. I'm glad he didn't get the boot. He should be amusing.

I think my favorite is Anoop Desai. In a year when we got a President with an interesting name like Barack, an American Idol named Anoop, seems just right for the times.

One more note, while I find the torturous way the Gang of Four let the kids know if they are alive or dead to be sort of amusing, part of the amusement comes from it seeming right on the border of being cruel. Cruel does not seem to fit in with the concept of a kinder, gentler American Idol. I mean, how many times did they need to do the same type shtick?

"I'm sorry the news isn't good"..........(long pause, waiting for the contestant's mournful looks, hopefully tears)....and then, "the news is fantastic! You're going through!" One time was funny. Additional times were Ugh. With a capital U.

1 comment:

  1. Pacitti got booted? crap, she was not the best singing as well as the best looking contestant... Simon where were you on that one?
