Wednesday, February 4, 2009

American Idol Hollywood Auditions

I guess we got some more of the new softer, kinder American Idol last night on the first night of the Hollywood Auditions at the Kodak Theater.

There was even a moment when Simon Cowell stuck out his lower lip in sympathy. Or so it seemed. This was in reaction to this sad singer named Nathaniel Marshall who started crying upon being critiqued, he wanted this so bad it came out of his skin or something like that.

To which Simon did that lower lip pout thing. They actually put this guy through to the next round, which is the ever-entertaining group auditions, where there are random groups where a lot of tension, drama and amusement takes place as strangers try to coalesce to perform a group number.

Nathaniel Marshall seemed to be a particular sad case. And just like I wondered with Michael Nicewonder, I wondered if they aren't being a tad cruel to put some of these people under the TV bright light, when it's obvious, well, it seems obvious to me, that Nathaniel doesn't have a ghost's chance in hell, or anywhere, to be any sort of idol.

I didn't care, nor was I able to tell if he could sing well, or not, I'm tone deaf. To me, someone loses huge points if they stick a piercing in an odd location, like below ones lower lip. Or if someone has one of those huge earring plug holes things in an ear lobe. To me, it is the height of non-individualism to do this type simple-minded copycat stuff to ones body, with the belief one is someone being cool, being a rebel. It's a sad form of conforming, in my opinion. Don't get me started on tattoos.

Last night was sort of choppy. We didn't get to see everyone sing. The editing was confusing. At least to me. We fast forwarded through those who got through and saw long bits of some who did, or who did not.

We did get to see Bikini Girl, at length, again. This time she showed us a bikini, but she wasn't wearing it. This time she was wearing, quite well, a mini-skirt. That new judge, Kara's, interaction with Bikini Girl, Katrina Marshall, was amusing. As was Simon's. I like Bikini Girl. Being tone deaf, I don't know if she can sing well, or not. But I can tell she is entertaining.

There were a few uncomfortable moments, like this one rejected girl coming back and, with some poise, arguing for another chance. The most uncomfortable was the rejection of this skinny black kid who did a back flip in his original audition. Even to my tone deaf ears I was pretty certain he sang terrible. And his facial expressions were odd. But when he got rejected he totally lost it. There was a lot of censored F-Wording. And he told Simon he dressed shabbily for a rich dude. It was embarrassing, but train wreck entertaining to watch.

I'm looking forward to the Group Round of the Hollywood Auditions tonight. Benefit of a DVR, it is only about 40 minutes long.

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