Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ABC's The Bachelor Shocking Finale???

I had not watched much of the latest version of ABC's The Bachelor. I find The Bachelor and its sister show, The Bachelorette very bad train wreck reality tv.

I watched a lot of the previous season, which had the annoying bachelorette, Deanna Pappas, who had been dumped by the previous bachelor, dump this guy named Jason Mesnik and run off into the sunset with a snowboarder named Jesse.

This left Jason heartbroken. He'd fallen in love with Deanna. Why, I had no clue. But, then Jason became the new bachelor and now I guess the reason Jason so easily supposedly fell in love with Deanna is because, apparently, Jason falls in love easily and often. Currently with multiple women at the same time.

I fast forwarded through Monday's episode. That's the one where Jason takes the final three that he's fallen in love with on a so-called Fantasy Date, during which he gives each of the ones he has fallen in love with an invitation to spend the night with him in the Fantasy Suite where they can pretend they are already married.

I agree with what I read on Survivor Sucks. It seemed like soft porn. I did not like Jason when I saw him on The Bachelorette. Supposedly there are some who thought he was such a nice guy. To me he seemed boring and sort of dumb.

Apparrently that is what led his first wife, Hillary, to get a divorce in 2007. They got married in 2003. I haven't read an explanation as to how Mesnik got custody of the kid, Ty. Ty is an only child and seems to already be exhibiting some Only Child Syndrome symptoms.

So, on Monday, Jason sent a nice Canadian girl, Jillian, home from New Zealand, where he'd had his way with her in a hot tub. She did not take it well, being sent home I mean, I don't know what she thought of the hot tub. I think she's better off getting rejected. Jason no longer has a job, he quit it to be on TV. I read he now shares a townhouse in Kirkland with his brother. That Sleepless in Seattle houseboat that was shown to be his home, was not his. He does not live there.

As far as I know, the producers of this ABC train wreck always promise the most dramatic Rose Ceremony, or final episode ever. From the start of this particular mating attempt, each week the viewers are teased with the reappearance of Deanna Pappas. This had led to the highest ratings in years for this once in danger of being cancelled show. Likely somewhat due to viewers each week tuning in thinking this is the week that Deanna Pappas shows up.

And now, ABC has let it be known that an additional hour has been added on a followup night to the finale, due to that most shocking ever thing I just mentioned. Last night's episode ended with that annoying Chris Harrison person saying that due to the shocking nature of the most shocking ending ever it would be filmed in the most intimate way possible. Huh? I have no idea what that means.

The best rumor of what happens is that Jason knocked up one of the girls during their night in the Fantasy Suite. Not knowing this, he chooses the other girl, be it Molly or Mellisa. When he dumps the pregnant one, that is when she informs Jason that Ty will soon have a step-sibling.

That's Jason's first wife, Hilary, she being the one that quickly grew bored with him when she realized she'd married a doofus, in the picture at the top. Hilary is in a video of a Seattle band named Out From Underneath. She is the only female in the video. You can watch it below. Washingtonions will recognize a lot of Seattle landmarks.

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