Friday, January 30, 2009

TV Or Not TV

I haven't written about anything I've seen on TV for over a week. Why, I do not know. Partly using a DVR is to blame, in that I've always had trouble getting around to watching something I've recorded. Also I've been enjoying reading.

Right now, this Wednesday's episode of LOST is sitting, unwatched inside my DVR. I'm liking LOST so far. Though it can be quite confusing.

The DVR works great for American Idol. I can fast forward through the commercials and anything that bores me, reducing the viewing time to less than a half hour. I am enjoying American Idol, for the most part, though the sad sob stories are getting a bit tired. But I guess that is just part of the new, kinder American Idol.

I did manage to watch Wednesday's Top Chef, last night, a day after the episode ran. I was surprised to see Jeff get told to pack his knives and leave. I was glad Carla finally won a challenge. Carla is one of my all time favorite reality tv show people. She's funny.

I also managed to watch Monday's episode of 24, a couple days late. 24 is being real good, so far, this year. But we are only about 5 hours into the day. 24 gives away too much info in its preview of the next week's episode. The preview showed the bad rebel leader terrorist guy who wants to take over Sengala and has taken over America's information infrastructure to try and stop America from invading his country and at the same time arranged to kidnap the current leader of Sengala.

Well, we learn in the previews that Jack and Crew find the bad guy. It appears he gets blown up. I would have preferred to be surprised.

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