Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Too Much Borat On My TV

From Thursday through Sunday AT & T U-verse gave its customers a Thanksgiving present. In that for those four days you could watch HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and any of the other movie channels, for free.

I did not realize there are now multiple HBO's and Showtime's and Cinemax's. Dozens of movie channels. I hadn't looked for the movie channels til Sunday. They were way up in the 790 zone. Clearly indicating there are way too many choices.

So, a light bulb came on in my dim brain and I realized I could go through my U-verse DVR guide thing and hit the record button on any movies that I might at some point in time want to watch. So, I've now got a dozen or so movies stored. That'll likely be enough to last me til the next time AT & T turns on the movie channels for free.

One of the movies I hit the record button on was Borat. The movie was already about an hour in. So, I only got part of Borat. But what I got was way too much. When I sat down for lunch yesterday I turned on the TV. I looked to see if the DVR thing had recorded the movies. There was Borat first on the list. I hit the play button.

Imagine my bug-eyed horror when the first thing I see is a buck-naked overly hairy Borat wrestling with a buck-naked, even more hairy Fat Man. During my lunch. They were yelling at each other in, I guess, Russian. With subtitles. I won't type, here, the disgusting things they were yelling at each other. Borat's frontal goodies were blocked by a huge black bar. No need for that with the Fat Man, his huge gut did the job.

The naked wrestling went on and on, trashing a motel room, then the Fat Man ran out of the room, with Borat chasing him, still naked. They got in an elevator. Horrified people ran out of the elevator. Borat and the Fat Man calmly waited for the elevator to stop, then ran into a big meeting of some sort, still naked, way too naked. On and on it went.

I don't mind seeing people naked. I did mind seeing Borat and the Fat Man naked. It was disgusting. Extremely disgusting.

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