Friday, December 5, 2008

Survivor Gabon Episode 12: Corinne Kicked Out Of Nobag Tribe

The December 4 Episode of Survivor Gabon was another good one.

Corinne got kicked out of the tribe. But not before she and Bob did some pretty good plotting. Bob made yet one more believable fake immunity idol. Where is he finding all the baubles he uses to make his fake idols? Is there a crafts store nearby?

Last night's was the Survivor cliche where the reward challenge winner gets to spend time with a Loved One. This usually is one of my least favorite Survivor episodes. It never makes sense to me that these people get so emotional, like they'd not seen the loved one in years, rather than days.

Last night's Love One's moments were especially teary. But I found it entertaining due to Survivor put some twists to it this time. Before the challenge Probst played a little snippet from home via cell phone video. That started the waterworks. Probst told the Survivors that unlike past Survivors their loved ones were not in the house.

The reward winner got to go to a special camp where there'd be beer, pizza and other goodies. And they'd get to watch the entire video. Worth playing for? All agreed it was.

Bob won. We next see him at his special camp with his beer and pizza, watching the video. At the end of the video Bob's wife says, "Just a second, I've got something to show you." Bob stares at the video muttering, "What's she got to show me?" as the wife sneaks up behind him. Bob let out a little startled scream when he saw the wife.

Later Bob takes his wife to the tribe's camp. The others are surprised and pleased Bob got to see his wife in the flesh. Then Bob said he's got something to show you guys after which he let out a loud whistle and all the other's Loved Ones marched in to camp.

There was some more crying. Sugar's sister brought along some of her dad's ashes which together they tossed in water. And in a Survivor first, Matty, very emotionally, proposed to his girlfriend, who accepted his proposal. Was she going to say no with that camera in her face? Matty had made some sort of necklace to take the place of an engagement ring. Where are these people getting all this jewelry making stuff? And how did Matty know to make this? Did he have time to make the necklace, on the sly, after the surprise arrival of the girl friend? Seems fishy to me.

So, Bob and Corinne's plot to use the fake immunity idol to trick the others into voting out Matty seemed to be going according to plan. But then some of the others got suspicious that it might be a devious plot. So, they voted 4 to 3 to get rid of Corrine. If Corrine did play a real idol then Matty, with the 3 votes would get the boot.

There should be some good drama next week as Matty tries to figure out who was the 3rd vote to boot him.

Corrinne seemed to pride herself on being mean. She said mean things. Like, "I'm in a camp of mutants, none of whom I like." Of her brother she said, "He knows I'm mean and loves it." And in her exit speech, "I only like Kenny and Bob. I hope the rest have miserable lives."

I've known people like Corinne. It is they who live miserable lives. Particularly if they are both mean and obese. Very miserable lives.

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