Monday, November 3, 2008

Train Wreck TV

Previously I've mentioned being a fan of Train Wreck TV. I've used that phrase for so many years it surprised me when I was asked what it meant.

I thought maybe this was one of those things I'd made up and eventually assumed it was a universally known thing. So, I Googled 'Train Wreck TV' and learned I am not the only one to use this phrase.

To me Train Wreck TV are shows that I watch that I know are bad bad TV, cheesy, stupid, embarrassing, totally without any redeeming merit. And yet I watch.

I can only guess why the term 'Train Wreck" describes this affliction. I remember years ago hearing a horrible crashing noise. It came from nearby train tracks. I ran up to the tracks and saw that a train had hit a car, totally destroying it, killing the people in the car. It was an awful bloody mess that caused me nightmares for weeks. But I stood there watching, even though I knew it wasn't a good thing to be looking at.

For me, the best purveyors of Train Wreck TV are MTV and VH1. Paris Hilton's current search for a new best friend forever on MTV and MTV's Parental Control are both good examples of Train Wreck TV. On VH1 there is this demented character named Tiffany who calls herself New York who VH1 keeps giving TV shows to. New York/Tiffany is a human Train Wreck on a Train Wreck TV show. That means it's very entertaining. In sick and twisted way.

VH1 also has good Train Wreck TV in the form of shows with minor celebrities who are well past their due date, like Celebrity Fit Club and Surreal Life and, currently, Celebrity Re-Hab.

Bravo didn't used to have shows that, for me, came down to my Train Wreck TV standards. And then they started up with their Real Housewives of Various Towns series. Bravo to Bravo for having the highest quality Train Wreck TV.

On the networks the only Train Wreck TV that I can remember watching is Big Brother on CBS. But I've not watched the last few seasons the the CBS Train Wreck. I'm sure it's still a wreck though.

I suppose a case could be made that American Idol on Fox is Train Wreck TV. It has Paula Abdul on it after all. Which reminds me, Paula Abdul was on one of the best Train Wreck TV shows ever. On Bravo. I think it was called Hey Paula. A reality show documenting Paula's sadly twisted life. It was painful to watch at times Train Wreck TV.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new celeb rehab show!
    Gary Busey is just so odd and I'm fascinated by him.
