Friday, November 21, 2008

Survivor Gabon: Randy Leaves The Tribe

Another blindside this week on CBS's Survivor Gabon: Earth's Last Eden. This week's was a blindside with a twist. Bitter, angry Randy, he with some serious socialization issues, annoying just about everyone on his Nobag tribe got the blindside. And can I interject how goofy that Nobag name is? Spelling Gabon backwards. I guess that is clever.

Randy used Bob's extremely well made fake immunity idol. That made for some amusement watching Randy fall into the fake immunity idol trap.

Sugar couldn't stop herself from giggling as the votes were read, giving Randy the boot. I like Sugar. When Sugar and Bob snuck off to pow-wow it was odd enough that he confessed he did not have the idol, but why would he tell Sugar that he made a fake one? It perplexed Sugar too.

This episode was the one where we have the Survivor staple: the food auction. Well, food and a bath and a chance to send someone to exile island. Ken won the Exile Island bidding and sent Bob. Susie won the bath. I don't remember who got what with the rest of the auction. It was stuff like burgers and beer and french fries and spaghetti and wine.

The winner of the wine got an advantage at the next immunity challenge, with the wine remaining unopened til then.

The last item up for bid was won by Randy. It was a plate of cookies he had to share with the tribe. Sugar kept refusing one of Randy's cookies, but finally took one, but then gave it to Matty.

Back at camp that cookie exchange sparked some fighting between Matty and Randy. Randy said he "left the auction broke, full, half-drunk and pissed off. So I'm gonna burn this house down in the next day or two."

Bob didn't bother looking for the idol, instead he did some site seeing, hiking around the island.

Back at camp Randy starts up a weird plan to piss off everyone so they'll vote him out, with him whipping out Bob's fake idol and thus causing the person in second place, Susie, to get voted out. What a diabolical scheme.

At the Immunity Challenge Corrine's wine advantage was she got to sit out the first round of a multi-part challenge. The challenge involved carrying bags of puzzle pieces across a beam. The first 3 to carry three bags moved on. Til some dominoes fell and a flag was raised with Ken winning immunity.

After the Immunity Challenge Randy did not have to go into heavy duty convincing to shake loose the fake idol from Bob, Sugar had already taken care of that, convincing Bob to give Randy the idol, which Randy played at Tribal Council, sure that this would boot out Susie and give him back control of the game.

Randy's final words were a bit on the bitter side.

Bye Bye Randy.

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