Saturday, November 8, 2008

Survivor Gabon: Earth's Last Eden

The 17th season of Survivor is holding my attention. A couple of Survivors ago I was ready to bail. The editing had gone bad. There seemed to be a disconnect between what we were watching and the outcomes. In other words, for me, it didn't make any sense. It was like the editing was purposefully being misleading. This made it boring and pointless to pay attention.

But then the last couple of seasons of Survivor it's as if the producers figured out what had gone wrong and fixed it. The previous iteration of Survivor had the most blindsides, most uses of the immunity idol and a real good plot line.

The current Survivor seems to be hitting on all cylinders. We've had 2 real entertaining blindsides in a row. Last week it was fun seeing the smug, arrogant Ace guy with the weird accent get the boot. And this week it was even more enjoyable seeing the smug, not so arrogant, actually likeable Marcus get the boot.

It's always fun to see guys like Ace and Marcus scheming to take their group to the final 6 or 4 or 3, so sure of their position. And then they get the boot.

I'm liking Survivor in Africa this time. It's very scenic. And the occasional rogue elephant makes for some good animal drama.

Switching up the teams over and over again has been a good thing too. It's entertaining watching the rug get pulled out from under their plots and alliances.

The main thing I'd change about Survivor is somehow tone down the host, Jeff Probst. He is more annoying than an Olympics TV commentator with his non-stop yapping during the Survivor challenges.

As for those challenges, I wish they'd figure out a way to somehow make them more entertaining. Usually I get confused by them. This weeks was easy to follow though. But it seemed unfair to the females.

Speaking of the Olympics, I didn't care for the Olympian, Crystal Cox at first, but now that we've seen how good she is at scheming and manipulating, particularly the job she did on Marcus, well, I'm liking her now.

I like that Sugar girl too. It was quite amusing to see that now banished lawyer, Dan Kay, be totally baffled in his hunt for the Hidden Immunity Idol went he got sent to Exile Island. Exile Island doesn't seem to be an island this time. But when Sugar got sent there, unlike Dan, she found the idol in what seemed seconds, plowing through the clues at warp speed. While Dan seemed to spend hours randomly digging holes. That was painful to watch.

This is the first Survivor shot in high-definition. You can really tell a difference. Almost 3-D at times.

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